November 16, 2013

Evidence of the Holy Spirit

"The task is great, but God is in control and leading His people. Does the church have challenges? It certainly does; but I see evidence of the Holy Spirit powerfully moving among His people. I see evidence of the Holy Spirit doing some special, exciting activity right now, in His church. I see the evidence of the Holy Spirit preparing a people for the coming of Jesus and our Lord’s soon return.

Brothers and sisters, I appeal to you, as I appeal to my own heart, to make a full, complete, total consecration to Christ. I appeal to you to embrace the prophetic calling that Jesus has given to this church, His remnant church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a church that is on the march in the Advent movement. I appeal to you to lift the standard high in your own life. I appeal to you to become actively involved in witnessing for your Lord, as we anticipate Christ’s soon second coming. Will you make this commitment right now, as we pray together?

Our Father in heaven, we come to You at this very moment, recognizing that history is meeting at this time in such a dynamic way to show us that prophetic utterances in Daniel and Revelation and the book of Matthew and elsewhere in the Bible are bringing us to a time of decisiveness just before Jesus’ coming. And so, Lord, help us to be completely connected with You. Help us to lean upon You every day. Help us in our study of Your Word, in the study of the Spirit of Prophecy, in our prayer life. And, Lord, just use all of these wonderful connections with You to then help us to share this faith, to become involved in many activities in our local church and around the world, to bring the Three Angels Messages and the fourth angel’s message of Revelation 18 to the forefront, and to the minds and the hearts of people all over the world. Lord, I pray Your blessing on every church member, young and old, in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Be with those who are attending our churches who may not yet be members. Be with those who are interested in the truth of the Bible. And help us, Lord, to reach out to everyone through Mission to the Cities and mission to the rural areas, using every method possible. Lord, send the Holy Spirit upon us. Send the latter rain, so that truly we will be part of that last great Advent movement that proclaims this message to bring glory to God throughout the earth. Thank You for hearing us, and for the promise of Your soon coming, in Jesus’ name we ask it. Amen."

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