October 13, 2013

Not Now

                                                The path of duty I clearly trace,
                                                I stand with conscience face to face,
                                                      And all her pleas allow;
                                                Calling and crying the while for grace,-
                                                "Some other time, and some other place;
                                                      Oh, not today; not now!"

                                                I know 't is a demon boding ill,
                                                I know I have power to do if I will,
                                                      And I put my hand to the plow;
                                                I have fair sweet seeds in my barn, and lo !
                                                When all the furrows are ready to sow,
                                                      The voice says,"Oh, not now!"

                                                My peace I sell at the price of woe;
                                                In heart and in spirit I suffer so,
                                                      The anguish wrings my brow;
                                                But still I linger and cry for grace,-
                                                "Some other time, and some other place;
                                                      Oh, not today; not now!"

                                                I talk to my stubbornheart and say,
                                                "The work I must do Iwill do today;
                                                      I will make to God a vow;
                                                And I will not rest and I will not sleep
                                                Till the vow I vowed I rise and keep;"
                                                      And the demons cries,"Not now!"

                                                And so the days and the years go by,
                                                And so I register lie upon lie,
                                                      And break with Heaven my vow;
                                                For when I would boldly take my stand,
                                                This terrible demons stays my hand,-
                                                      "Oh, not today; not now!"

                                                                        -Alice Cary.
                                                                           R&H 220

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